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Avial Imaging | FL Studio Patcher Plugin

Posted by Sylrilli - 3 days ago



Download: Avial Imaging 1.0.1 (mediafire.com) | Avial Pronounced "Ah-vee-uhl" /avēəl/

Track Snippet: Long Live, Love & Life (mediafire.com)

This was a patcher plugin I had made yesterday and finished at night. I made it for the purposes of placing an individual sound within a mix in a particular area more easily.

It includes a 'Spherical Spatial Sound' effect done through the 'Spherical Volume' knob. The effect is done through the left side of the knob causing the sound to become more mono, smoothly low passed, and decreased in volume. Turning the knob almost to the left will activate a bit of high passing as well. The right side of the knob is similar, as it makes the sound more mono, decreases the volume, but instead smoothly high passes the lower frequencies and includes some low passing near the end of the right side of the knob.

With this, it can be furthered by turning on the "Environment Adaptation" button below the knob, which allows for a reverb room environment to be activated whenever the knob leans left or right, with each side having different knob adjustments of the Fruity Reeverb that allows for the effect to sound more 'real.'

This ties into the "Circular Panning" knob, which basically is a reverb decay, diffusion, and modulation speed adjustment knob in one. (This knob only works whenever the 'SV' knob is either left or right, not centered) If the knob is at 0, the reverb and sound will feel like it is in a small studio room, but at max, it will sound distant and washed out.

Below is the "Reverb Bounce" button, which ties into the "Circular Panning" Knob. When turned on, the button adds a small amount of low diffused, low modulated high cut stereo reverb. This is supposed to give the illusion of frequencies from a panned area bouncing off of walls back to the listener and is only noticeable (although slight) whenever the "Circular Panning" knob is used. This makes the sound feel more 'real' as it prevents the opposite speaker within headphones to feel completely empty.

The panning knob allows for the 8D audio effect (although only for one rotation as the knob cannot be continuously rotated). This is done through this concept:


Basically, the panning and volume are the same sine wave shape, except one of them (in this case, the panning) is offset by 1 bar, with the overextended part of the sine automation shape being wrapped around the initial starting point of the clip. This results in the sound feeling like its "rotating" around the listener in a circular motion. I tried to apply this idea in fruity envelope controller here:



The middle results in no panning, but the 1/4 and 3/4 points of the automation lead to max left and right panning respectively. The far ends of the automation lead to the sound to 0 panning, but while doing so is also lowered in volume to silence.



The volume automation above looks slightly different to what it should be, but I had set it up like this so that when panned left or right at max, it will make the sound silent. This can help create an effect where a sound appears gradually in a circular rotated way around the listener from either right or left sides until it reaches the loud and centered point of the automations. (center of the knob)

Below the knob is the "Pan Emphasis" button, which causes the panning to gain in db. when turned left or right, so that the ear perceives the panned sound less quiet.

The "Mono Pass" knob low and high passes the mid (mono) signal of a sound depending on the direction of the knob, which leaves the side (stereo) signal to feel more prominent but the general sound thinner. The "Mono Re-Band" button when turned off creates a huge dip in the middle mid-frequences which also makes the sound feel empty in the middle but more perceived as wide.


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